Pay-N-Get is electronic transactions processing system for instant delivery of mobile phones top-ups codes, instant account setup codes, event tickets, parking services, IP telephony services, any other code-related products and services. Major advantage of the system is that all transactions are handled through the main server and respectively are stored there. No delivery is needed. No scratch cards needed! No logistic expenses! Always ready to work! Dealer/sub-dealer feature allows creating separate independent sale chains. Well developed reporting engine allows you to control all aspects of sales as well as goods leverages. Simple but sufficient web interface designed not to wander around, but to pinpoint you attention to every aspect needed. The solution consists of hardware and software features: mobile POS (point of sale) terminals, server with built-in hard drive of big capacity and installed software on it. Contact us and youll get to know how good our prices are! Please notice that we will NOT charge you for transactions, you pay only for hardware and software you buy. Visit our web-site for more details. Person of contact: Vladyslav Tkachenko Product Manager Speedflow Communications Ltd. Skype: vlad7777-71 ICQ: 369-786-858 Windows Live Messenger: