Want to setup VOIP company, a business under your own brand name? We have complete solution to launche VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) company. All support comes included.
Basically all kind of services that are available in the market. We always observe and follow the current trends in technology trying to react timely to changing customers demand by enhancing our system and adding new features.
VoIP Platform Features
ØCodecs and Devices:
ØCompatible with the following codecs: 711, 729 and 723, and GSM.
ØCompatible with any SIP-standard device.
ØCompatible with mobile handsets, Fring and any mobile handset application.
ØDevice configuration will not reference platform supplier.
ØFull least cost routing capabilities.
ØQuality of service routing (routing a specific destination based on quality stats).
ØSending alerts when a route falls below a pre-established quality threshold.
ØCompatible with call terminators registering via account and PIN and IP address.
ØSimulate Asterisk when registering.
ØHandle pre-paid and post-paid customers.
ØCapable of handling unlimited, buckets of minutes and out ofplan calls.
ØCapable of adding, removing, zeroing credits from selected customers automatically.
ØHandling multiple currencies.
ØHandling multiple languages (especially English and Spanish).
ØCustomer management portal.
ØCreate accounts and recharge codes: individually and batches.
ØIntegrated CRM.
ØHandle wholesale - retail and bonus resellers.
ØMultiple reseller levels.
ØAutomatically generate invoices on order.
ØOrder is automatically fulfilled when by platform when order payment is received.
ØIntegrated with Authorize.Net and Paypal.
ØHandle referrals.
Service Features:
ØRecharge codes.
ØSend and receive faxes.
ØCredit and minute announcements.
ØCall back with ANI recognition, SMS callback and web call back.
ØCall Shop management features.
ØFull Reporting Capabilities by Total, Partial as well as Customer
ØMinutes used total, partial, by destination and by account
ØRevenue generated total, partial, by destination and by account
ØBalance by account
ØAutomatic low balance by account
Contact us if you are interested.
Thank you, ------------------------------------------- If interested Please Contact:
Email us at: voipaxis(AT)yahoo(DOT)comsales(AT)voipaxis(DOT)net
Or call us at: +14259980504, +13607173452
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