Everyone in the Market is saying that we are offering latest version of voip switch but No One is offering latest version of voipswitch except Voip Axis. Kindly please be aware of such frauds and save your money we will show you how our version is latest version.
Want to setup CallingCard, Callshop, Callback, Pc2phone, Mobile2Mobile, device2phone, VOIP Businesses, A Business that under your own brand name? We have complete solution to launche VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) company. All support comes included. Basically all kind of services that are available in the market. We always observe and follow the current trends in technology trying to react timely to changing customers demand by enhancing our system and adding new features.
Carrier-grade softswitch Gatekeeper, registrar and proxy functionality SIP and H323 protocol support Protocols transparent conversion Network protection capabilities Advanced routing Single entry point into VoIP infrastructure Flexible proxy methods
Average result 1000 conncurent calls (full proxy) on one server (Dual Xeon CPU 2GB RAM*). For higher traffic recommended is cluster configuration with two or three servers with voipswitch software running on seperate servers and connected to one, shared SQL database installed on a dedicated server. Web services running on a backup SQL server set in replication mode so that the load from web requests (for example browsing CDRs, statistics) does not affect the performance of the main SQL server. tested and certified for SIP interoperatibility with Level3 (US based tier one carrier)
Full least Cost Routing(LCR) capabilities. Quality of service routing (routing a specific destination based on quality stats). Sending alerts when a route falls below a pre-established quality threshold.
Various authentication methods Prepaid/postpaid accounts Robust engine Fully integration with the softswitch Cooperation with MySQL or MSSQL
Handle pre-paid and post-paid customers. Capable of handling unlimited, buckets of minutes and out of plan calls. Capable of adding, removing, zeroing credits from selected customers automatically.
Handling multiple currencies. Handling multiple languages (especially English and Spanish). Customer management portal. Create accounts and recharge codes: individually and batches. Integrated CRM.
Reseller Management:
Multilevel structure Web-based comprehensive interface Support for multi-currency Customizable web interface for end-users Integration with the E-Shop Handle wholesale - retail resellers. Multiple reseller levels.
Automatically generate invoices on order. Order is automatically fulfilled when by platform when order payment is received. Integrated with Authorize.Net and Paypal. Handle referrals.
Service Features:
Recharge codes. Send and receive faxes. Credit and minute announcements. Call back with ANI recognition, SMS callback and web call back. Call Shop management features. VoIP-tunnel. Full Reporting Capabilities by Total, Partial as well as Customer
Account & IP IVR
Customizable IVR scenarios (XML) Ready to use templates Caller ID recognition One or two stage calling procedures Support for DIDs as access numbers Minutes used total, partial, by destination and by account Revenue generated total, partial, by destination and by account Balance by account Automatic low balance by account
Contact us if you are interested.
Thank you,
http://www.voipaxis.net ------------------------------------------- If interested Please Contact: