Do you want to setup calling card, wholesale termination and Solution Provider business? We have complete softwares for VOIPSWITCH and VOS 3000 softswitch to launch your own business. It comes with complete configuration and installation manual. We are the only Solution provider that is selling these softswitches softwares. You can launch a Solution Provider, wholesale termination and calling card business under your own name.
VOS Features: Wholesale Termination, Profit & loss, ASR , ACD , PDD Report, Web Admin module, Customer Admin, Live CDR thru web admin, Call failed details, Connection Time, Support SIP / H323, Codec : G729, G723, G711a, G711u, SIP account / GK Client, Prepay / Postpay etc
We are offering end of year opportunity to our friends to become a Solution Provider or start a calling card and wholesale termination business. Stop renting when you can become a solution provider and start selling or renting to your customers. Stop paying for technical support when you can have the installation manual and launch your own business has solution provider.
For more information and technical support please contact us.
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