We provide Complete VoIP Software Solution both Server side application as well as Client side application ( Softphone ) in a complete package for your VoIP business in single platform, Ideally suited for ITSP telecom business with low investment and ready to start business. Our product has been tested and using by over 300 clients and our excellent 24 hours technical support by Phone/email/chatting help our clients to make their business successful.
Products Includes: Wholesale VoIP business, Retail Calling Card Solution, Pc2Phone, IPPhone2Phone, Device2Phone, Callback ( Web, ANI, SMS, e-mail ), IPPBX System, IAX Solution and SIP Softphone with VPN.
Protocol Supports : SIP, H323 and IAX.
Billing Server ( Admin, Resellers, Customers ), Prepaid/Post Paid supports, Online Shop, IVR management, LCR Management, DID Management, Invoice Management.
1. IVR :- Customize the IVR rapidly, chose to play Balance, Time to call, Intro prompt, etc... , Top-up account via IVR menu 2. Recording of all calls 3. Speed Dial 4. LCR(Least cost routing) & LCD (Least Cost Dialling) 5. Billing Increment 6. Trunk/voip-provider management 7. DID SALES 8. Monthly & Daily reporting 9. Earnings calculation and markup/margin on report 10. Export report to PDF & CSV 11. Invoice generation and Email to customers Automatically 12. Web based, DID & CID based Call Back 13. Calling Card PIN based 14. Call-back triggered through multiple routing servers 15. Online Payment System ( Check the Customers balance; see Refills made, payment received, amount to pay ) through Paypal, Authorize.net and Moneybooker 16. DID Sales 17. Peak and Off-Peak Rates 18. Profit and Loss ( Admin, Agent ) 19. Email activation to verify customer email address 20. DB backup/restore tool 21. Comprehensive CDR and ASR reporting
1. Customized Sin and company logo on top 2.Multipul Line 3.Call Conference 4.Call Recording 5. Hold / Unhold 6. Transfer (Xfer) 7. DND (Do not Disturb) 8. Redial 9. Auto accept call 10. NAT/Firewall support 11. STUN server Support 12. ICE Support 13. Codec Supported :- G729, G723, G711 u, G711 a, G722, GSM, iLbc, Speex/ 8000, Speex/16000 , Speex / 32000 14. Codec selection and Codec Quality Control (Bandwidth control) 15. Silence Suppression 16. Echo Cancellation 17. Balance display 18. Call timer 19. Address Book 20. IAX Support
Mobile Dialer for Symbian :
1. Customized Skin and company name 2. Unlimited user license 3. Call Status Indicator 4. Save / Edit Username & Password 5. Codec supported: g711,GSM 6. Symbian (S60 third edition)
For more Information and demonstration , Please feel free to contact by email or MSN at : voiptel87@yahoo.com