Eagle State International Ltd is a fast developing prominent VoIP service solution provider located in Hongkong. It has the global reputation to deal with A - Z termination. If you have VOIP direct quality routes please let us know, we have A-Z traffic to send your routes.
Urgently we need the following routes:
Afghanistan Mobile all - 100k Algeria Mobile all - 30k Bangladesh Mobile all - 100k China All - 200k Cuba - 20-50k Egypt all - 50k Gambia - 80k Ghana MTN - 50k Guatemala Comcel - 150k Guyana Proper - 20k Haiti mobile all - 100k India All - 200k Mexico - 100k Nepal - 50k Pakistan All - 70k Philippines mobile globe - 100k Philippines Mobile smart - 100k Senegal Mobile Orange - 40k Thailand All CLI - 100k Ukraine mobile Kevistar - 15k USA All - 500k Zimbabwe Econet - 150k Saudi Mobile - 100k
We are looking for any other direct route of you too.
For instant contact please add me on live MSN.
Best regards,
David Horn Sales Executive, Phone: +852.3610.3297 MSN & mail: David.horn@eaglestate.hk Company: Eagle State International Limited, Hong Kong
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VoIP Forum -> Buy Minutes -> We urgently need following routes *stable direct providers*