This is a complete Voip Turnkey solution that offers the customer an instant Voip business. You will be offered the Voipswitch platform which will be fully configured and Hosted at our private Co-Location. This is a simple set up. There is no setup cost just a monthly service charge. Our offer Include:
Class 5 Softswitch (VoipSwitch 2.985.0.719 ) Integrated Billing Resellers Module ( Version 3 ) Administrator Module ( Version 2) Calling Cards Module Callback Module Vippie PC-Dialer 24/7 technical support Dedicated server 100 Mb/s link to tier1 backbone Comprehensive Web Interface Real-Time Traffic Control and Rerouting Software as a Service
Hardware Specifications for 400 Concurrent Calls:
AMD Athlon II X4 Quad-Core 4x 2.3 GHz 8GB Memory DDR3 ECC 2X1000 GB SATA Hard Drive Unlimited Premium Bandwidth (99% Network Uptime Guarantee) 100Mbit Switch Port Windows Server 2008 Web. Edition Server License Included Free Setup
Monthy Fee: $199
Hardware Specifications for 800 Concurrent Calls:
Intel® Xeon® X3440 Quadcore 4x 2.53 GHz 32GB Memory 2,000 GB (2x) + 60 GB (1x) Hard Drive Unlimited Premium Bandwidth (99% Network Uptime Guarantee) 1000 Mbit Switch Port Windows Server 2008 Web. Edition Server License Included Remote Reboot Free Setup
Monthy Fee: $399
Demo Available of All Modules and Custom CDRs @ web