Dear Industry Colleagues,IPage Telecom is a Singapore licensed wholesale Voice Service Provider. We are offering International Voice Termination Services
Through our Points of Presence in Singapore, USA, Malaysia, Hongkong, and UK. we are directly interconnected with all major voice and
data carriers in Asia, Europe, Africa, North and South America. This is to inform you that IPage Telecom will be attending GITEX [international technology event Dubai], from October 14-18th 2012.
We are very keen to have and grow our bilateral relationship with your esteemed organization. We would like to meet your esteem
Organization in the conference, please let us know the following information for our bilateral meeting · Preferred Date & Time : · Preferred Venue : · Delegates Name : · Mobile & Email ID : We look forward to seeing you there. Representatives from IPAGE :
Mr. Dev CEO Mobile: +65 90062901 , Email: