IPage Telecom,Wholesale Provider offering top destinations at aggressive Rate!!!
Dear Partners,
We IPage Telecom Singapore is a specialized global carrier and provider of high-quality international long distance telecommunication services to carriers and prepaid calling card operators around the world with Operations in USA, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Offering Best Quality and wholesale Routes...
ROUTE --CLI-- Rate(USD)$ China Mobile --CLI-- 0.015$ Nepal all codes --CLI-- 0.092$ Cambodia allcodes --CLI-- 0.046$ SRILANKA MOBILE DIALOG --CLI-- 0.092$ Malaysia allcodes --CLI-- 0.0168$ INDIA mobile --CLI-- 0.01075$ INDIA ALL --NONCLI-- 0.00685$ SINGAPORE ALL --CLI-- 0.0715$ Bangladesh --CLI-- 0.013375$ Bangladesh --NONCLI-- 0.01275$
If you have any hot or direct route with reasonable capacity that you can offer us at competitive rates , then please Add my skype (sara.ipage) and feel free to contact me through Mail
We also Provide Standard / Premium A-Z destination routes which can be downloaded from our site www. ipagecall.com __________________________________________________________
Porta One Hosted switch available on rent for wholesale/Retail operators Fully licensed with support and with redundant backup servers
Regards Sara International Carrier Relation Manager IPage Telecom Email / MSN: sara@ipagecall.com Skype: sara.ipage tanya.ipage gumma.ipage
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