Various organizations have begun expanding their operations and many new business houses are trying to make their way in the somewhat new field of wholesale VoIP. Since the time when the voice over IP system appeared in the limelight, the telecommunication industry has changed a lot. With the profits that it provides in the form of expense reduction, wholesalers have dived into this field for better gain and to offer reliable service. This business considerably enhanced their market standing and fetch them good benefits with least risk included. Wholesale Voip providing business is expanding with time at high speed.
Fully integrated and redundant wholesale and retail voip switch
Account and user management
Rate Management
LCR & Gateway Management
Billing Reports and Invoice management
Call Origination & Termination under one platform
Transparently protocol conversion
Media servers update without interruption
Multi-level permissions for user's access to the system depending on user's profile
Live console
Hourly traffic report
User-friendly web interface
Intelligent routing
Multiple routing to same IP
Active calls status
Support CSV format rate sheet modification & upload