With our Hosted Softswitch solution, you can offer VoIP Wholesale, Calling Card, PC-Phone, Device-Phone, Phone-Phone and Mobile VoIP solutions to small, medium and large scale business providers at very low costs. Each solution is highly customizable and branded accordingly. You get bespoke IP Addresses at highly competitive volume based pricing. These solutions offer you Real Time Customized Web Interface for everyone including Admin, Sub-Admin, Reseller and Sub-Reseller.
We have also provide Anti Block Mobile & Windows PC Hosted Softphone 15 days free trial. For more information visit www.hostedvoips.com
Advanced Features:
Highly Stable Platform, Maximum Uptime, Error-Free Operation World-Class Technical Support and Training Competitive Volume-Based Pricing Highly Scalable, Interoperability Comprehensive Monitoring System Wholesale & VoIP Retail Module
Fore more information please contact : hosted@hostedvoips.com skype id : hosted.voips web: www.hostedvoips.com