Server for VoIP now offering special rate for all VOS3000- budget server.
Fore more secure and advance usage of our clients we are offering VOS3000- dedicated server at the same rate as VOS3000- budget server.
Have a look on our server rent:
Budget server:
VOS3000-500CC V- & V- @only $79.99 monthly and V- @ only $99.99 monthly
V- will cost $99.99 for installation
VOS3000-1000CC V- & V- @only $99.99 monthly and V- @ only $119.99 monthly
VOS3000-1500CC V- & V- @only $139.99 monthly and V- @ only $159.99 monthly
Still thinking? Just think of all the benefits and feel free to contact us anytime for more info or to order.
Mourin Rahman
Sales executive
Server for VOIP
Office(USA): +1 (347) 264 7240
Cell : +88 0195 7741 124