We can offer you cost-effective and custom server with VOS3000 softsiwtch.VOS3000 is a soft switch based on linux,designed for carrier-class operations.It's tested and proven for its cost-effective operations platform for Global PSTN card operators.VOS3000 Web Based Billing(New Admin Panel)With Web Secure System.Everything can be Monitored in a VOS3000 single Web Based Billing.Get comfortable,Monitor and Manage your clients with our VOS3000 Based Billing systems anywhere.
:::::::::Rental VOS3000 + Custom Server Package::::::::::
Dual Xeon 4G 250Gb HDD 500cc ------$99/mon
Dual Xeon 8G 500Gb HDD 1000cc ------$120/mon
Dual Xeon 8G 1Tb HDD 2000cc ------$150/mon
Dual Xeon 16G 1Tb HDD 3000cc ------$180/mon
Dual Xeon 32G 1Tb HDD 5000cc ------$230/mon
::::::::: Available Version Sell For One Life Time:::::::::
VOS3000 V2.1.2.0 -----$300
VOS3000 V2.1.2.4 -----$300
VOS3000 Web Based Billing With Web Secure System ------$500
Order Now you would get 20% Off
More info you wanna consult,contact us at your convenience.