VoIP Forum -> Sell VoIP Software -> Increase Call Efficiency with MediaCore Autotester Quality call testing is one of the most fundamental and important par
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TOPIC: Increase Call Efficiency with MediaCore Autotester Quality call testing is one of the most fundamental and important par
Increase Call Efficiency with MediaCore Autotester Quality call testing is one of the most fundamental and important par
Increase Call Efficiency with MediaCore Autotester
Quality call testing is one of the most fundamental and important parts of Internet telephony. As such, an easy and efficient tool that performs automatic checks is something any carrier can benefit from. So Speedflow duly delivers - Autotester is introduced as part of our most popular Class 4 Solution, the MediaCore Softswitch.
MediaCore Autotester excels where similar tools fail. Automated test calls are generated effortlessly and can be performed either by supplier or by destination. You have a comprehensive table that gives you all the crucial information about the calls and each of them is neatly recorded in its own audio file. Forget about revenue leakages and improve your services to keep your clients as happy as they can be.
For full List of destinations please contact us directly purchase@speedflow.com
Also we are looking for providers who can provide A-Z with CLI, DTMF and FAX guaranteed.
Contact our Purchase department - purchase@speedflow.com to discuss opportunities between our companies!
Anastasiia Kyshmar
Your VOIP partner since 2004...
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VoIP Forum -> Sell VoIP Software -> Increase Call Efficiency with MediaCore Autotester Quality call testing is one of the most fundamental and important par