We at AoneVoice gives an opportunity to you to avail Voice Broadcast Solution with complete Customization and branding under your
It's a synchronized way to broadcast any information or a pre set message to an array of people in a particular time.Voice Broadcast
is an easy way to send alerts regarding marketing, promotions, emergency notifications and reminders,surveys.Mostly used by business
organisations, political parties, government authorities. This solution works on analog, digital or VoIP
Features integrated with AoneVoice Voice Broadcast:
* Text to speech feature which could convert your text into natural human voice for your recipients.
* Customized IVR which allows interaction with keypad or touch
* Call forward option to transfer call to live agent
* Delivery reports on all successful calls.
* The software can detect and differentiate between an answering machine and a live person and accordingly play appropriate IVR for
#We provide both hosted and dedicated servers for Voice Broadcast
#We are having advanced Versions Of Switches and complete VoIP Telephony Modules with us.
#We offer especially tailored customization according to varied requirements of different group of organizations
For More Details please visit www.aonevoice.com or send us an e-mail at sales@aonevoice.com
Warm Regards,
AoneVoice Team
Email: sales@aonevoice.com
GTalk: myaonevoice
Skype: aonevoice
: aonevoice.sales2
Tel: +91-9999919714
http://aonevoice.com/ www.angstle.com / www.avdialer.com
Our Products: Voice Broadcasting|Premium Number Billing Portal | Sms Marketing Solution | Click2Call | Voicever