Orange Carrier For International Premium Rate Numbers
Greeting All,
This is Lina from Orange Carrier, Your #1 trusted PRN Service Provider.
1. guarantee to our customers:
Secured Payments on time
Highest rates in the market
Multiple Payment methods (Bitcoin, Bank wire, Western Union, PayPal, Cash through agents)
All Calls types support
Variety of ranges
strong access
Daily updated ranges
Best support 24/7
Best service available and best deals for customers
2. offering IPRN re-seller system:
you can have your own customers, and make profits from them by our re-seller system!
Our re-sellers system allows you to:
Control the numbers for your customers.
Control the ranges rates for your customers
Control your customer's bills
3.Customizing "IVR" on your numbers
You can have your own audio message on your numbers.
4.Making interconnections between our system and your Switches.
API connection allows you to make "Real Time Statistics", "Real Time Active Calls", "CDR", "Numbers List".
5.IPRN Automatic Access Finder
We provide smart phone service on our website that sets up the calls and checks the access on our test numbers.
You can contact us via skype or email
Skype: live:orange.carrier
Orange Carrier, The Best Or Nothing