VoIP Forum -> VoIP Providers -> Pakistan 9230 9231 9233 9234 ncli Indonesia 628 Telkomsel /Excelcom/Axis/Indosat NCLI Philippines 63 Smart/Globe NCLI S
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TOPIC: Pakistan 9230 9231 9233 9234 ncli Indonesia 628 Telkomsel /Excelcom/Axis/Indosat NCLI Philippines 63 Smart/Globe NCLI S
Pakistan 9230 9231 9233 9234 ncli Indonesia 628 Telkomsel /Excelcom/Axis/Indosat NCLI Philippines 63 Smart/Globe NCLI S
Pakistan 9230 9231 9233 9234 ncli Indonesia 628 Telkomsel /Excelcom/Axis/Indosat NCLI Philippines 63 Smart/Globe NCLI Sri Lanka 94 SLT/Dialog NCLI Sudan 249 zain /MTN/Sudatel NCLI Chad mobile Airtel 2356 Ncli Chad mobile Millicom 2359 Ncli Togo mobile all 228 Ncli Benin mobile all 229 Ncli Kenya 254 NCLI
Please contact me if you have any good routes. Skype: snowflyjessie Email: jessie@snowflytel.com Website: www.snowflytel.com Mobile/WeChat/WhatsApp:+86 15090840072
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VoIP Forum -> VoIP Providers -> Pakistan 9230 9231 9233 9234 ncli Indonesia 628 Telkomsel /Excelcom/Axis/Indosat NCLI Philippines 63 Smart/Globe NCLI S