VoIP Forum -> Other traffic exchange topics -> urgently need australia/taiwan/nigeria/japan/china/germany/ethiopia/kenya/philippines/indonesia/niger/mali/cuba/singapor
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TOPIC: urgently need australia/taiwan/nigeria/japan/china/germany/ethiopia/kenya/philippines/indonesia/niger/mali/cuba/singapor
Nelson MN
urgently need australia/taiwan/nigeria/japan/china/germany/ethiopia/kenya/philippines/indonesia/niger/mali/cuba/singapor
Dear Partners, Looking For Direct A-Z & NCLI/CC CLI /TDM route For Live traffic. Please contact me urgently if you have quality route. CC LIVE #China CC & CLI #Taiwan CC #USA CC #Hong Kong CC #Singapore CC #Macau CC #Philippines CC #Australia CC #UK CC
NCLI #Chad #Afghanistan 93 #Albania 355 #Algeria 213 #Armenia 374 #Argentina 54 #Angola 244 #Azerbaijan 994 #Bangladesh 8801 #Bahamas 1242 #Bahrain 973 #Belgium 32 #Benin 229 #Bosnia 387 #Bolivia 591 #Bulgaria 359 #Burundi 257 #Burkina Faso 226 #Chad 235 #Cameroon 237 #Chile 569 #Cambodia 855 #Cuba 53 #Dominican 1767 #DR of Congo 243 #Eritrea 291 #Ethiopia 251 #Egypt 20 #Ecuador 593 #El Salvador 503 #DRC 243 #Ghana 233 #Georgia 995 Guatemala 502 Gambia 222 Guinea 245& 225 Haiti 509 Honduras 504 India 91 Indonesia 628 Iran 98 Iraq 964 Ivory coast 225 Jamaica 1876 Kenya 254 Kuwait 965 Libya 218 Liberia 231 Latvia 371 Madagascar 261 Malawi 265 Mali 223 Rwanda 250 Morocco 212 Mozambique 95 Myanmar 95 Nepal 977 Namibia 264 Nicaragua 505 Niger 227 Nigeria 234 Philippines 63 Romania 407 Rwanda 250 Serbia 381 Seychelles 248 Sierra Leon 232 South Africa 277 South Sudan 211 Sudan 249 Syria 963 Tanzania 255 Tunisia 216 Togo 228 Trinidad & Tobacgo1868 Turkey 905 Uganda 256 Ukraine 380 UAE 971 Uzbekistan 998 Venezuela 58 Vietnam 84 Yemen 967 Zambia 260 Zimbabwe 263 Please feel free to contact me through Skype or send me an email anytime.
VoIP Forum -> Other traffic exchange topics -> urgently need australia/taiwan/nigeria/japan/china/germany/ethiopia/kenya/philippines/indonesia/niger/mali/cuba/singapor