OR Email Us at [code]sales@apnavoip.net[/code] SOLUTION PROVIDER
CALL US @: +18772985161, +18452307907, +92217835124 BEST REGARDS. --------------------------------------------------------- The name you can trust on "APNAVOIP" Team.
Please note SOLUTIONS4VOIP has STOLEN voipswitch software and is trying to illegally sell it, Voipswitch software belongs to Voiceserve Inc a US company that is listed on the US stock market, voiceserve has filled all its papers with the government department of the SEC in the US in regards to its ownership of Voipswitch, please note solutions4voip is based in Pakistan and has NO contact number on its website, beware they steal minutes as well!
Please beware SOLUTIONS4VOIP also trade under APNAVOIP.
Legal proceedings have now started against them and anybody else buying hacked versions of Voipswitch.
for more information regarding voipswitch software please visit www.voipswitch.com
Please note SOLUTIONS4VOIP has STOLEN voipswitch software and is trying to illegally sell it, Voipswitch software belongs to Voiceserve Inc a US company that is listed on the US stock market, voiceserve has filled all its papers with the government department of the SEC in the US in regards to its ownership of Voipswitch, please note solutions4voip is based in Pakistan and has NO contact number on its website, beware they steal minutes as well!
Please beware SOLUTIONS4VOIP also trade under APNAVOIP.
Legal proceedings have now started against them and anybody else buying hacked versions of Voipswitch.
for more information regarding voipswitch software please visit www.voipswitch.com
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