Hi All,
Are you newbie to VoIP or are you professional in this sphere just looking for VoIP solution? Give me a notice and I will make you the best offer.
You can choose from the solutions for wholesalers and ITSPs, enterprise and residential services
VoIP billing (prepaid and postpaid)
VoIP softswitch
VoIP gateway
VoIP softphone (SIP and H323)
VoIP call shop solution
VoIP calling cards platform
VoIP wholesale solution
IP PBX Class 5 solution
IPTV solution and more
Big variety of solutions at affordable prices! Support services are included.
Please contact me at ipmiracle at gmail.com (e-mail, MSN, gtalk)
I am here to help you earn your business!
Best wishes,
Roby Santos
MSN: ipmiracle@gmail.com
Yahoo ID: ipmiracle