dear friends. i am looking for those routes : 1- Phillpine mobile all 2- Ethiopia mobile all 3- kenya all 4- Morocco all 5- kuwait all 6- bangldish grey all 7- sri lanka all [required urgently] 8- lebanon all 9- yemen all [good overflow] 10- Syria all. 11- honduras mobile : good overflow. 12- haiti mobile : good overflow. 13-saudi arabia .[huge traffic] 14-Afghanistan all 15-ElSalvador 16-Algeria all 17-Nepal [Huge Traffic] serious providers contact me . or send me your offers : 1- capacity 2- quality of the routes 3- about your company as it will be cool if you are direct provider :) 4-the above routes are for retail traffic so must be good quality routes. 5-kindly don't send me wholesale routes. 6-the routes offered must be at market rate. :) msn and mail id : adams