If you want to start any VoIP business, IXC (Interexchange Carrier) will willingly help you with its VoIP Software Solutions.
IXC can offer you the following solutions for such VoIP services: 1. Wholesale / Retail Termination 2. Calling Cards Solution - PrePaid / PostPaid 3. Callback Solutions - ANI/SMS/WEB 4. IP-Phone Solution 5. PC2Phone Solution 6. Corporate Clients Solution 7. Last Mile Solution
or if can be provided by a complete complex turnkey solution which includes more than one exact IXC VoIP solution.
Also we offer 24/7 technical support !
You can buy it at once or take for rent at first.
Contact us and try our DEMO version for FREE!
For more detailed info browse our web-site at: www.IXC.ua
Alex Sharafanenko
IXCsales manager,
Email: s.alex@ixc.ua
msn: s.alex@ixc.ua
office: +38044 2399740