Greeting !!!! We assume the long term call should maintain the level in term of voice quality, We provide the SIP Softphone/ Web2Phone with the ultimate voice quality which support g729, g723 & g 711 codac, Video Features, Call Recording Features, IM Features, Vista Support, IAX, USB, VPN Support: We will install VPN Server and VPN Client for you (VPN enabled Soft phone, VPN Soft switch Solution )
Softphone we can design as per customer's requirement and specification suiting their nature of business and make it possible to place and receive phone calls from the laptop or PC through its simple Graphical User Interface (GUI) integration amalgamated with various amazing features.
Features a.. Customized Skin Interfaces b.. Call Timer * Display Balance c.. Last Number Redial d.. Local Signalization (Dial tone, busy, ring back, etc.) for user comfort e.. Mute f.. Touch-Tones g.. Address Book h.. Microphone Volume Control i.. Speaker Volume Control j.. VPN Support k.. Vista Support
a.. Use Microsoft g723.1 codec b.. Small Application c.. Works with any Full-Duplex sound card d.. USB headset support. e.. Works well on most of the versions of Microsoft Windows ( NT4,2000,XP, 2003) f.. UPNP NAT/Firewall support, stable SIP, RTP ports g.. Specify NAT IP to be written in SIP messages h.. Auto-Configuration of settings for easy deployment i.. STUN support for NAT detection and classification j.. Configuration Wizard k.. Uses New RFC 3261 compliant stack
a.. Basical features b.. License: Unlimited users c.. Customization: Skin and logo d.. More Information:
a.. Basical features b.. Display account balance on the softphone c.. License: Unlimited users d.. Customization: Skin and logo e.. More Information:
a.. Basical features b.. Display account balance c.. Display credit account time d.. Display Credit account time count down e.. Invalid PIn f.. Expired Pin g.. Insufficient fund h.. License: Unlimited users i.. Customization: Skin and logo j.. More Information:
Premium Version Premium Features
4 Lines Hold / Unhold Transfer (Xfer) DND (Do not Disturb) Redial Mute Auto accept call Nat/ Firewall Support STUN server Support ICE Support Debug Mode (SIP message log) Codec Supported G711 u, G711 a, G722, GSM, PCMU/8000, PCMA/8000, iLbc, Speex/ 8000, Speex/16000 , Speex / 32000 Codec selection and Codec Quality Control (Bandwidth control) Silence Suppression Echo Cancellation Uses NEW RFC 3261 compliant stack DTMF (RFC 2833) RFC 3951: Internet Low Bit Rate Codec (iLBC) Proxy Settings Registration Timeout Acoustic Echo Cancellation. Packet concealing Packet Lost Concealment (PLC). Comfort Noise Generator (CNG), Resampling Balance Display Credit time display
Basic Features: Customized skin interfaces Call timer Last Number Redial Touch Tone Address Book Micro Phone Volume Control Speaker Volume Control Work with any full-duplex sound card Auto-configuration of settings for easy deployment
If you have any queries, please let me know. I would be happy to assist you.