IXC can offer you the following solutions for such VoIP services:
1. Wholesale / Retail Termination 2. Calling Cards Solution - PrePaid / PostPaid 3. Callback Solutions - ANI/SMS/WEB 4. IP-Phone Solution 5. PC2Phone Solution 6. Corporate Clients Solution
including modules:
SoftSwitch and Billing, Gatekeeper, QoS Monitor, Protocols Converter, Codecs Converter IXC Financial Tools Module - Invoice Generation etc, IXC PrePaid Platform (Calling Cards), IXC PC2Phone Platform
You can buy it from IXC at once or rent it!
This is easy and cheap!Make your business work while youre counting your profits!
If you are interested in our suggestion or even if you did not make your mind yet, do not hesitate to contact us:
Alex Sharafanenko
IXCsales manager,
Email: s.alex@ixc.ua
msn: s.alex@ixc.ua
office: +38044 2399740
icq: 320504689
Skype: Alex-IXC
Yahoo: alex_ixc
web-site: www.ixc.ua