For political & economic reasons, ISP may block VoIP in your country. To protect your VoIP business & profit, SpeedVoIP Communication Technology Co., Ltd. is providing Security VoIP software solution, VGSC2008, which installed on the PC at the client side.
Key Features:
Maximum call completion rate and maximum voice service duration
SIP core standards and a variety of drafts supported
Proprietary link layer protocol for controlling
Any 3rd-party Softphone/ATA/Gateway/IPPhone/IAD and SIP Proxy/Registrar/SBC supported
The most comprehensive codec including g.711/g.723/g.729ab/iLBC/gsm/speechX supported
Bypassing Narus and Verso platform detection
Flexible user-customized encryption policy driven
Strict call path protection and security up to termination
Only simultaneous signaling/media/T.38 fax packet support across any firewall.
No network or firewall modification is required.
Excellent voice quality without any latency and performance compromise
Small footprint terminal SDK .
Available on all major platforms.
Pls review: for details & get free trial at