Good Day to You!!We provide customized version softphone small application and easy to use with all latest features.
Here is the features list, For more information and demo please contact me at :
4 Lines Call Conference Call Recording Customized Skin Interface Call Timer Balance Display Credit time display Address Book Touch Tone Hold / Unhold Transfer (Xfer) DND (Do not Disturb) Redial Mute Auto accept call All USB Phone support Advertisement Banner Space Codec Supported G729,G711 u, G711 a, G722, GSM, iLbc, Speex/ 8000, Speex/16000 , Speex / 32000 Codec selection and Codec Quality Control (Bandwidth control) Silence Suppression Echo Cancellation Uses NEW RFC 3261 compliant stack DTMF (RFC 2833) RFC 3951: Internet Low Bit Rate Codec (iLBC) Proxy Settings Registration Timeout Acoustic Echo Cancellation. Packet concealing Packet Lost Concealment (PLC). Comfort Noise Generator (CNG), Resampling
Video Featues ( Additional features ) IM features ( Additional features ) VPN support ( Additional features )