Dear Businessmen!
If you want to start any VoIP business, IXC (Interexchange Carrier) will willingly help you with its VoIP Software Solutions.
IXC can offer you the following solutions for such VoIP services: 1. Wholesale / Retail Termination 2. Calling Cards Solution - PrePaid / PostPaid 3. Callback Solutions - ANI/SMS/WEB 4. IP-Phone Solution 5. PC2Phone Solution 6. Corporate Clients Solution 7. Last Mile Solution
or if can be provided by a complete complex turnkey solution which includes more than one exact IXC VoIP solution.
Also we offer 24/7 technical support !
You can buy it at once or take for rent at first.
Contact us and try our DEMO version for FREE!
For more detailed info browse our web-site at:
Alex Sharafanenko
IXCsales manager,
Skype: Alex-IXC
Yahoo: alex_ixc
office: +38044 2399740