Want to setup CallingCard, Callshop, Callback, Pc2phone, Mobile2Mobile, device2phone, VOIP Businesses, A Business that under your own brand name? We have complete solution to launche VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) company. All support comes included. Basically all kind of services that are available in the market. We always observe and follow the current trends in technology trying to react timely to changing customers demand by enhancing our system and adding new features.
Now a days the popular softswitch named VoIPSwitch (VPS) has become a frightening issue for the users as the hackers are making them million of dollars by sending unauthorized calls, adding balances, changing ratesheets etc. To save those victims as well as the frightened users from hackers, we have solution for it; which is an anti-hacking solution for VPS.
Retail :
PC to phone and PC to PC using our own sip based softphone with embedded voip tunnel client which allows for communication (both receiving and making calls) from behind voip blockades/firewalls, for example from UAE or other countries where voip ports are closed;
device to phone i.e. making and receiving calls from SIP or h323 terminals (bidirectional NAT support), full compatibility with all popular brands of soho gateways and IP phones, support for 5 class services, voicemail, waiting message indicator feature, actual balance information on phone's display and more.
Callback services triggered by SMS, Web or a missed call. Works with DIDs as an access numbers. Authentication by callerID (ANI) or PIN. Also supported DID callback with unique DID associated with each customer and his/her phone number. Manageable thru the web interface, possibility to add multiple ANIs per user. Multilingual Interactive Voice Response system (IVR). More on the callback and its variants here
Calling cards phone to phone services in which a customer dials an access number first, then he or she is asked about PIN (or authenticated by callerID/ANI) and then prompted for a destination phone number. The system comes with own IP based IVR system that supports several languages (possibility to add new), balance announcement, max duration for the call announcement, also it allows to recharge account by PIN and register actual ANI during the call and more. There are several scenarios which can be associated with particular access numbers. Moreover new scenarios can be added or the existing ones be modified by softswitch's administrator as they are programmed in xml format. More on the IP IVR can be found here
CallShops The callshop is a windows based application which shows all the cabins and the calls that are taking place. When a customer has finished, the cashier can see the made calls with their details and costs and can charge the customer. The application also allows to print bills. The advantage of this solution is that the callshop application does not require any special hardware as the calls are not sent thru it, instead they go directly to SoftSwitch (thru the internet connection) and the callshop program exchanges with SoftSwitch only little data needed for billing purposes. Also as the clients can be used softphones installed on PCs or FXS gateways with analogue phones connected, not necessarily IP phones.
The Rental Packages are designed a/c to concurrent calls, Please Select your Rental Package a/c to concurrent calls.