Thanks for Visiting my ad, We can help you with the following, but it depends on your traffic profile, also what is the average aloc and your asr's. Have a range of tariffs and routes available, we can look at what you do and put together a package for you
But for an example -*USA Dialer Traffic all with CLI and DTMF*_
USA - On net tariffs covering 130,000 codes - $0.0095 cents
USA -On net and Offnet - covering 180,000 codes - $0.0135 cents
USA Unrestricted - covering all codes - $0.0155 cents
USA Basic On net - 60,000 codes 0.085 cents
Canada Dialer - Except NWT and Yukon - $0.008 cents
UK Dialer - Clean Traffic $0.009 cents
UK Dialer - Mixed Traffic $0.011 cents
We can provide all destinations, recent campaigns have been Puerto Rico, France, Germany, South Africa. you might also want to clean traffic up a little before an important campaign, you can pay a higher tariff to ensure this is done.
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VoIP Forum -> Sell Minutes -> Many Dialler Routes available UK, Germany, USA, South America