VOIP USA, Inc. is a registered telecommunication company of USA. We provide all kind of Voice, Data & IP wholesale carrier service, VOIP, Conferencing & all kind of Voice and Data Services.
We are urgently looking for good quality routes.Here is a small list of routes with daily volume that we need urgently.
Afghanistan Mobile all - 25k
Algeria Mobile all - 30k
Bangladesh Mobile all - 100k
China All - 400k
Cuba - 20-100k
Egypt all - 5k
Gambia - 100k
Ghana MTN - 100k
Guatemala Comcel - 300k
Guyana Proper - 10k
Haiti mobile all - 100k
India All - 200k
Mexico - 100k
Morocco - 20k
Nepal - 23k
Pakistan All - 30k
Philippines mobile globe - 100k
Philippines Mobile smart - 100k
Saudi Mobile - 30k
Senegal Mobile Orange - 20k
Thailand All CLI - 100k
Ukraine mobile Kevistar - 15k
USA Offnet - 600k
Zimbabwe Econet - 20k
Add me @MSN for further communication.
MSN: jimmie@voipusainc.com
Jimmie Fox
Account Manager, Sales Department
Email & MSN: jimmie@voipusainc.com
Phone :+1 (718) 887 9623
Fax: +1 (917) 210 6384
Web: http://www.voipusainc.com
You can contact our other sales team: http://www.voip-usa.tel
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