Hi. We offer complete hosted solution with Free support .
MVTS 3.1.2 with billing / VPS old to latest version with full modules / Voice master Old up to most latest MERA II old to latest releas / MVTS pro latest version / NEXTONE latest version /ALEPO REDIUS BILLING /SNAP BILLING/ AVB /porta one / VOS3000 old to latest version /A2 billing for calling card / online shop / DID manage / Billbery AAA billing / kolmi soft MOR 10 etc..
our most of software for rent with dedicated server .. its with switch and billing .. complete solution . our all server are dedicated and with low monthly fee .
maximum call capacity in our hosted server . selected software free support and all software with free support .
NEPAL GRAY AND CLI / PHILIPINES MOBILE / CAMEROON / Taiwan / India / BD gray abd cli ETC....
Our Hosted server plan are following :
Robust1:: USA Colo : 8GB RAM
CPU: Intel Q9550 Quad Core 2.83 GHz MEMORY: 8 GB RAM Hard Disk : 750 GB SATA II OS: Linux or Windows Server 2003 Enterprise 32 bit BW: 5000 GB Bandwidth/ 200mbps uplink IP's: Block of 8 (5 usable)
Robust3:: Server Details: USA Colo MODEL: Intel Core2Duo 3.0Ghz RAM: 4GB RAM HD 1: 500GB HD SATA IP's: Block of 8 (5 usable) Bandwidth: 1200GB/mo
Colocation :: USA
System Specs: Core 2 Duo E6420 2GB DDR3 RAM Memory 300GB HDD Hard Drive 1500GB Transfer Bandwidth 10Mbps Uplink 5 IP Addresses Windows 2003 Web or 2008
plan 4
System Specs: Core 2 Duo E6420 2GB DDR3 RAM Memory 500GB HDD Hard Drive 1500GB Transfer Bandwidth 10Mbps Uplink 5 IP Addresses
Custom Configuration Server also available upon request.
Note:: 1000GB of bandwidth which is roughly 3Mbps (24/7/30)