A successful start is one of the key points for the future company growth and a reliable wholesale solution is half of the battle. It is important to have a stable platform at a corresponding price. Speedflows MediaCore Class 4 Solution easily meets requirements of startup and fast-growing wholesale companies. The MediaCore is one of the most prominent platforms on the VoIP market with its own Billing, Transcoding and Revenue Assurance Mechanism - Guardian. Speedflow offers its customers a wide range of license packages suited every pocket. The platform is available for rent and purchase.
We understand that sometimes it is inconvenient to buy the platform at once. That is why in this case we offer to get the MediaCore by individual installment plan. You are welcome to read startups success story based on Energetix GmBH experience on our website: http://speedflow.com/files/case_energetix.pdf For more information please visit our web-site http://speedflow.com/index.php/en/mediacore/overview or contact Speedflow Software Sales Department via e-mail software@speedflow.com