Adore Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ( , ) is a global VOIP software solutions and service provider providing VOIP Software from last 9 years.
Adore Infotech comes with it's complete package "Adore All in One System" one stop shop to start voip business. It's includes sotware installation of Softswitch, VoIP Billing System, Calling Card Solution, Callback. At client end software customized Pc-to-Phone Softphone and Mobile Dialer for iPhone, Mobile Dialer for symbian and Mobile Dialer for Windows. Pc-to-phoneall Server side application as well as SIP client side application.
Adore All-in-One System Includes :
a) Softswitch b) VOIP Billing c) CallingCard System d) Callback System e) Online Shop f) IAX Solution g) PC Softphone ( Windows and Mac ) h) Mobile Dialer ( iPhone, Android, Symbian, Windows Mobile )