MobiSnow launched VoIP Anti-Blocking iPhone and Android dialers for VoIP Block countries (Gulf Countries)!!!
Features of Anti-Blocking dialers:
Upto 30% Bandwidth saving with Anti-Blocking solution.
Works over Wi-Fi, Edge, GPRS, 3G and 4G networks.
Works in all VOIP blocked countries (UAE,Saudi,Oman,BD,Pakistan and other countries)
Built in proprietary Anti Block Solution technology.
Works will all standard SIP servers (Asterisk, Cisco, More, VoIPSwitch etc )
Supports G729,GSM,and G.711 iLBC, Speex codecs.
Customizable such as header, footer and brand name of your service
Work behind any Firewall
Low monthly plan starting from USD 100 Only.
Please contact to following to order your copy or free demo.
Email: sales AT mobisnow DOT com
Skype: mobi.snow
Best Regards,
MobiSNow Sales Team
Mobile: +91-9971931166
Fixed Phone: +91-120-4543901