Dear voip providers:
We can offer you cost-effective and custom server with VOS3000 softsiwtch.VOS3000 is a soft switch based on
linux,designed for carrier-class operations.It's tested and proven for its cost-effective operations platform for Global
PSTN card operators.VOS3000 is designed for carrier-class operations,providing account management,exchange rate
management,rate management,package management,cards management,gateway management,phone management,soft-switch
management,IVR management,system management,user management,data query & Web Self-Service System,Increased DTMF delivery
methods,signaling trace,Interface shortcuts,sound management interface for Voip business operation needs such
functions,and contains the billing system,it is really "all in one "product.
VOS3000 Web Based Billing(New Admin Panel)With Web Secure System.Everything can
be Monitored in a VOS3000 single Web Based Billing.Get comfortable,Monitor and Manage your clients with our VOS3000 Based
Billing systems anywhere.
:::::::::Rental VOS3000 + Custom Server Package::::::::::
Dual Xeon 4G 250Gb HDD 500cc ------$99/mon
Dual Xeon 8G 500Gb HDD 1000cc ------$120/mon
Dual Xeon 8G 1Tb HDD 2000cc ------$150/mon
Dual Xeon 16G 1Tb HDD 3000cc ------$180/mon
Dual Xeon 32G 1Tb HDD 5000cc ------$230/mon
::::::::: Available Version Sell For One Life Time:::::::::
VOS3000 V2.1.2.0 -----$300
VOS2009 V2.1.2.0 -----$300
VOS3000 Web Based Billing With Web Secure System ------$500
Order Now you would get 20% Off
More info you wanna consult,contact us at your convenience.
Skype: xybzm1122