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Post Info TOPIC: AoneVoice DID Forwarding Switch

AoneVoice DID Forwarding Switch

Dear friends!


AoneVoice DID Management Module (Add-ON) with AoneVoice Switch introduce the SoftSwitch enabled with DID Sell and Purchase Management.


Through this module any DID provider can provide available DIDs to their end users to use the DIDs with its basic features of 

forwarding at VoIP Accounts, Server IPs or any real phone number.DID (Direct Inward Dialing) is  the type of telephone lines (virtual)

used for analog signal are different than regular home telephone lines. DID is an alternative access in the form of virtual numbers 

around the world which takes  local charges from Caller Who calls at DID. 


Main features of DID :- **


 Receive Calls and pass ahead (Call Fowarding)


 Get Caller id through DTMF and pass same  ahead.



Benefit of using DIDs:-


* To use with IP-PBX to set the IVR Solution as per custom need for an organisation with ease feature of forwarding at variety of



* To maintain one number for all over the world and forwarding at the SIP account or real number to hide your exact location/Identity  

  in case any company wish to represent identity country wise.


* To Handle Calls at different location by one DID number as per settings in DID portal.


* DID to be used as access number in  Calling Card to pick the correct Caller ID and forward at SIP Server and use the Calling Card 

  functions to complete the call at destination.


* It can be used as Local Number while travelling to facilitate local calls charges and ease to communicate..


* Mainly it can be use to assign personally to any end user by DID Switch, use as Access Number in Calling Card or DID in CallBack 



 Be the first to explore ! Give us a try at www.aonevoice.com or contact sales@aonevoice.com



Warm Regards,

AoneVoice Team

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