VoIP Forum -> Sell VoIP Software -> Accessible VoIP calls with CallMax Web Portal CallMax Web Portal has one simple purpose - providing a user-friendly an
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TOPIC: Accessible VoIP calls with CallMax Web Portal CallMax Web Portal has one simple purpose - providing a user-friendly an
Accessible VoIP calls with CallMax Web Portal CallMax Web Portal has one simple purpose - providing a user-friendly an
CallMax Web Portal has one simple purpose - providing a user-friendly and intuitive interface that will make the handling of VoIP traffic seem like a piece of cake. We made sure to make the process as simple as possible. You register yourself for an account in a few easy steps, login into your new client area and make calls via CallMax. Yes, that simple!
The Web Portal is suited to be used with all kinds of softphones, SIP phones, mobile dialers etc. The integration with CallMax will guarantee you get the same quality as the class 5 solution currently provides to all small and medium users. Among other notable features you will stumble upon:
- convenient user profiles
- rate plans as per your needs
- coupon codes
- VAT/Tax management
- Various statistics and reports
Want to learn more? Find out at http://speedflow.com/en/callmax/web-portal or contact us at software@speedflow.com
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Anastasiia Kyshmar
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VoIP Forum -> Sell VoIP Software -> Accessible VoIP calls with CallMax Web Portal CallMax Web Portal has one simple purpose - providing a user-friendly an