Due to Ramadan & Eid 2017, Optima saver Edge is now available at only $99 USD/32 Port/Month. This is a limited time offer for all customers. This offer is available only for new MAC from new and existing customers. Other T & C applies.
Contact our online sales team in Skype: sales.improlabs immediately before the offer finishes!! Visit www.optimasaver.com for more information and chat with our team.
Why Optima Saver Edge is the leading Bandwidth Optimizer for VoIP call termination?
Available for both PC/laptop and PI(PC Less) based devices Web portal for CDR, invoices, payments etc Multi Tunnel(up to 8 tunnels) bandwidth optimizer to prevent internet blocking Runs 5 times more calls in limited bandwidth Premium quality support Better ACD/ASR and Call Connectivity Access Gateways directly from Optima Portal