I am John Adams from GVN Inc. (Global Voice Network Inc.) is the global voice service provider in both retail and wholesale telecommunication. sectors. Our company offers full range of communication solutions, such as wholesale termination services to telephony VPN networks, calling cards platform, Data management, Online contact management solutions, billing platform as well as e-commerce services etc. Through our global direct interconnects, we are able to provide any A-Z Destination and service level which allows you to manage your wholesale termination service in the most profitable way for you. We offer our customers the best pricing quality for numerous directs in Asia, Middle East, East and North Africa and CIS.
We are coming from upcoming February in the market. Hope we can grow a good business relation with you.
Here below you can find my contact info.
Thank you
John Adams Carrier Relations Manager Global Voice Network Inc. 429 Autumn Avenue, Apt 3c, Brooklyn, NY-11208. New York, USA Skype: live:sales2_5081 E-mail: sales2@gvn-inc.com www.gvn-inc.com