I have NONCLI routes for sell, look for clean traffic
94 srilanka fixed PLDT- 32ports
923 Pakistan mobile 9231/ 9233/ 9232 - 120 ports
959 Myanmar Telenor/ Orreedoo- 64 ports
66 Thailand all-64 ports
84 Vietnam VN-Fixed- 64 ports
628 Indonesia INDOSAT/ EXCELCOM/ TELK- 100 ports
8801 Bangladesh mobile- 300 ports
9376,9377 Afghanistan mobile mtn- 32 ports
9373,9378 Afghanistan mobile estisalat- 32 ports
I have good traffic, want to buy NONCLI routes :
95 Myanmar mobile MPT- 20k
53 Cuba all-12k
234 Nigeria mobile MTN-12k
91 India all-120k
923Pakistan mobile 9230/ 9234
9715 UAE mobile
977 Nepal mobile spice/ ntc
216 Tunisia all code
263 Zimbabwe mobile econet
Please contact me for clean traffic or free ports, if you want good business.
Skype: snowflyjessie
Email: jessie@snowflytel.com
Website: www.snowflytel.com