*** Bing AI Search SB&B American Communications a company that offers various VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) services. They provide options for USA and Canada CC (Call Completion) services, with different tiers indicating the quality and type of service. For example, they offer Dedicated Tier 1 which is the highest quality for the USA, and also have mixed Tier 1 & 2 services. Additionally, they enforce STIR/SHAKEN standards, which are a set of protocols designed to combat caller ID spoofing on public telephone networks1.
For Cuba, they mention offering 100% CLI (Caller Line Identification) via Tier 1, ensuring that the call recipient can see the callers number1. They also seem to have special offers for routes to Cuba, indicating a focus on providing high-quality VoIP services for calls to this region. SB&B Americancommunications Skype sbb.americancommunications https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMc_F6W7IXw